Linux & Open Source News

Linux & Open Source News@tlenewspodcast


@tlenewspodcast This is awesome, especially since I can't always watch a video. It's kinda wonky that I can comment on a podcast using my mastodon account while listening to it through a podcast client.Also if it helps, the time stamped chapters works on Tsacdop, my podcast client.

@tlenewspodcast Wayland works flawlessly with your Nvidia GPUs? Hooow? I installed Fedora on my Gaming PC recently and it was janky as hell until I switched to :sadness: Haven't had issues like that with Wayland on my AMD laptop in ages though.

@tlenewspodcast Thanks for the good work! I do think that 45 minutes is a good length and don‘t think that it‘s too long. So if you don‘t mind keeping this up…Also thanks for dipping your toe in the world of podcasts! It‘s much easier for me to consume your news content via podcast than it is via video on demand. Really appreciate it.