A new big (9/10 severity) flaw in CUPS that should affect most Linux based systems, Valve tests Android and ARM64 support through Proton, some changes are proposed to Wayland's governance and development model to speed things up...
@tlenewspodcastFor the brief PeerTube description, I think you might want to add the fact that video is shared among peers (thus enabling to stream to many people simultaneously without Google-level architecture).Also, to watch peertube videos on android, NewPipe works very well. It's not great to browse and find new content but if you just want to keep up with your subscriptions, it's perfect.
@tlenewspodcast would it be possible for you to add a Lightning wallet to your funding tag on your RSS feed?That way apps like fountain.fm, @podverse and other podcasting 2.0 can take advantage of being able to boost you and stream sats to you. I know it's not much, but it is how I show my support in the V4V part of podcasting and music.